Sunday, September 13, 2009


Thank you to those who participated in our Charter Night activities at the Bloomington Ice Garden Sunday September 13, 2009 and the Northern Lights Hockey game. Rotarians enjoyed the Famous Dave's dinner social before the game while the team left to prepare for the game. We received a charter certificate from our District Governor Sandra Schley who also dropped the puck during the pre-game ceremony. After the national anthem, she and the Honorable Bloomington Mayor Gene Winstead announced the formal "Let's Play Hockey."

The Mayor gave a proclamation that it was "Rotaract Club of the Athlete Village Charter Day" in the city of Bloomington Minnesota. Club Advisor Stephanie led the crowd in reciting the Four Way Test which was printed in the game program. President Steve Dus rang the club bell to symbolize the closing of our Rotaract event that started at 4:30 and the hockey game began.

Fan highlights were hugs and high 5's with "Flash" the team mascot, driving the remote control zamboni, throwing stuffed animals on the ice when the team scored the first goal of the game and playing Chuck-A-Puck after first period. We raised $53 in donations for Polio Plus and lots of people in the stands were buzzing about the Rotary connection -- the club banner and Rotary flag display in the scorer's area were really eye-catching.

From Club Advisor Stephanie Smith: "Our club members were excited to receive their Rotaract pins after the game and the new club bell presented by the Bloomington DayMakers club, our sponsors. The team sat down to a BBQ meal after the game -- thank you to those who provided the meal! Big thanks to all who helped behind the scenes, including DayMakers who ran errands, took pictures and really made our new club members feel special at our first official function. And to our new club members and officers, a hearty congrats and welcome to the Rotary Family!"